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S5II FW3.2 - no WIFI transport to PC?


Active Member
I wanted to update my S5II with the latest FW 3.2. But then I saw a note in the description, that the PC connection via WIFI is removed for european models…

I double checked this now with support and got the answer that this function is not available anymore with this new FW. They are refferring to the manual which I used to claim the problem…

To be clear: I‘m talking about the function to directly transfer pictures taken to a shared folder on a PC, without any additional software or app. That is a cool feature, because after configuration of the WLAN connection it is foolproof. No app needed, just a WLAN network and a shared folder on a PC. If you want to do this with Canons you have to by the WLAN grips for several hundrets of €/$…

But now this cool function is removed with the FW upgrade 3.2 and only for european models. So USA and Asia should still have this option (look for transfer to PC inside the WLAN menu options).
In think it is the first time I saw a company removing a function available for years by firmware update…

Can anybody from Europe check this with a S5II with FW3.2 ? And maybe check from elsewhere if it is still there?
I saw users posting questions about this in LUMIX LIVE webcasts after the firmware was released. According to LUMIX it was because of European legislation.
I saw users posting questions about this in LUMIX LIVE webcasts after the firmware was released. According to LUMIX it was because of European legislation.
That is also written in the manual, but I could not understand what kind of legislation forbids transfer of pictures using WIFI? I use this feature in my own studio and don‘t want to loose it. But I also like the update with new AF features…
Would be interesting to know which EU requirement they are referring to.

What happens if we switch in the menu the language to English before installing the new FW. Will it then work?
I searched the Lumix USA youtube sessions and found the one with the updates. There where a lot of questions also from non European viewers. It looks like there is also a drawback to streaming with the S5IIX. And this feature is missing not only in Europe…
Unfortunately this video was no live stream, so no answers to questions…

As said, the function to store / tether files without cable without any need of software is something special from Lumix, that is e.g. With Canon only possible with the expensive WLAN grips or extensions (connected to the USB port). Here it was build in.

From experience: it was not perfect, the range is quite limited to a few meters. But if you can place the WLAN router near to your workplace it worked. Why using cordless flash triggers when you still need an USB cable in the studio?
I don‘t need this feature very often, but now I have to think what is better for me: old FW with WLAN or new with better AF and also hopefully additionally updates in the future…