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S5ii autofocus when several persons?


The camera recognises well that there is a person or many persons in the frame. It keeps jumping from person to another and I have not yet figured out how to select the correct person to follow. How do you do it, anybody know?
Unless there is something changed since the camera was released, you need to be in full area mode then you can push joystick to toggle (or use the touch screen)
A number of people have mentioned that there appears to be a bug with this function in the S5II. The joystick (or touch screen) lets you specify the desired subject, but it doesn't stick like it did in the S5m1. After a moment it starts jumping between subjects again. I've confirmed the same behavior on mine. As a temporary solution, I sometimes use 1 area or zone focus with human detect. I really hope it is something they can fix soon in firmware.
A number of people have mentioned that there appears to be a bug with this function in the S5II.
It seems to work on my S5II. If I get a chance I'll try it on more groups of people.
Unless there is something changed since the camera was released, you need to be in full area mode then you can push joystick to toggle (or use the touch screen)
I can confirm this now. It was jumping around but I had the setting in "1-area". When I selected full area it recognized all the people in the frame. Then I pushed the joystick and it jumped from one person to another. I was using a photo (with persons) in my big screen tv as a test area and it was working perfectly (at least there).
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