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S5 II with 20-60mm and 50mm Wex UK £1629

  • Xiaomi - M2012K11AG
  • 4.7 mm
  • ƒ/1.79
  • 1/13 sec
  • Center-Weighted Average
  • Auto exposure
  • ISO 1358

Now the fun begins Z04 CarrotZ04 Breakdance.gifZ04 SmiliepartyZ04 Smoker00
I've just installed the update. Was fast and no issues.

I've just added the focus setting 'Detecting Subject' to my MyMenu so I can get to it quickly to swap between human and animal.
I've just installed the update. Was fast and no issues.

I've just added the focus setting 'Detecting Subject' to my MyMenu so I can get to it quickly to swap between human and animal.
Yip so fast, Panasonic said 3-5 mins but probably less than 1 min... Who cares... Well in general that means their tech manual refers to days of yore and the modern processor SoC is the business.

It's like my old mobile literally took an hour to update software whereas my newer one takes 1 minute. This is good as it means the L2 processor is well capable of further updated processing on the performance side regarding AF and others but there is little info about this chip or others I can find.

This L2 is as secretive as the Terminator chip in the film. Sensors are easy to find but not L2

It's probably not that advanced, maybe 11nm, definitely not 3nm latest TMSC which will come as in the latest Apple phones.
I have two cameras. I upgraded one and could not find any issues, so I upgraded the other one. I was my own tester.
Let's face it, the firmware update was exciting and if JM owned a S5ii he couldn't have resisted either :cool: