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S5 II usability questions (disabling touch AF)

Sam Bennett

New Member
Hello everyone! New S5 II owner here. I'm currently evaluating it to see if I want to move from using two E-M1 Mark IIIs to using an S5 II (for wide-to-normal focal lengths) and a G9 II (for normal-to-tele focal lengths).

Going to withhold my impressions for now, but curious about a couple usability things:
  1. Is there a way to disable the touch AF point selection? I never use this and constantly accidentally set an AF point this way. For now I've disabled the Touch Screen entirely because of this, but I'd like to use it for other things.
  2. Is there a way to setup a "quick delete" behavior so during playback it will delete the photo without a "confirmation" prompt? If not I may just use Rating 1 to tag and delete later (shout-out to Richard Wong for showing me how to map Rating to buttons).
Huh.. I'll play around with my s5ii later tonight and see if I can figure it out. Another great resource for this is the LumixUSA live streams with Sean - he's pretty much the wizard of all things camera capabilities
Is there a way to disable the touch AF point selection? I never use this and constantly accidentally set an AF point this way. For now I've disabled the Touch Screen entirely because of this, but I'd like to use it for other things.
Hey Sam,
This is how i do it: (not sure if there is an easier way)
1. Enable Touch Tab
  • samsung - Galaxy A54 5G
  • 5.5 mm
  • ƒ/1.8
  • 1/50 sec
  • Spot
  • Auto exposure
  • ISO 50

2. Click the Touch Tab on the screen, then press the top finger icon until it shows "x"

  • samsung - Galaxy A54 5G
  • 5.5 mm
  • ƒ/1.8
  • 1/100 sec
  • Center-Weighted Average
  • Auto exposure
  • ISO 80

Now Touch AF should be disabled when shooting using LCD screen, even when you switch off/on the camera.
You could disable the Touch Tab now if you want.
Hey Sam,
This is how i do it: (not sure if there is an easier way)
1. Enable Touch Tab
View attachment 1875

2. Click the Touch Tab on the screen, then press the top finger icon until it shows "x"

View attachment 1876

Now Touch AF should be disabled when shooting using LCD screen, even when you switch off/on the camera.
You could disable the Touch Tab now if you want.
Yes! Richard Wong saves the day, yet again. Setting it like this will even "survive" pulling the battery! Perfect - thank you!