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S5 II - Two questions


I've been reading the manual since getting the S5 II a few weeks back, but still have a couple of questions:

1- Do drive mode and AF mode depend EXCLUSIVELY from the dials? If so, i suppose they cannot be part of a custom mode setting.
Example: i want C1 and C2 where the first is S-AF, single shot and the second C-AF, burst. After switching modes, do i still have to move the AF and the drive dials to get what i want?

2- I succesfully set Wi-Fi for image transfer to my home PC, where i have my catalog; now i can transfer images from the camera to the PC, either while i take them, or from the card.
It would be convenient to transfer all the images once i come back home this way, instead of pulling the SD card and insert it on the reader; but is there a way to select ALL the images for this? I only see single image or multi select, with the later having me select one by one! I might be missing something obvious, like a Ctrl-A shortcut, but from the manual it seems like i do indeed have to select one and repeat! What about 500 images? :)


1 - You can additionally assign the "drive mode function" to a function button. When your drive mode wheel is set to one of both burst rate positions und you press the assigned function button you can change the drive mode settings.

For point 2 I sadly have no tips for you as I put the sd card into my laptop and transfer my pictures that way. Sometimes I use the Lumix sync app to transfer pictures into my iphone.

Best regards,
I've been reading the manual since getting the S5 II a few weeks back, but still have a couple of questions:

1- Do drive mode and AF mode depend EXCLUSIVELY from the dials? If so, i suppose they cannot be part of a custom mode setting.
Example: i want C1 and C2 where the first is S-AF, single shot and the second C-AF, burst. After switching modes, do i still have to move the AF and the drive dials to get what i want?

2- I succesfully set Wi-Fi for image transfer to my home PC, where i have my catalog; now i can transfer images from the camera to the PC, either while i take them, or from the card.
It would be convenient to transfer all the images once i come back home this way, instead of pulling the SD card and insert it on the reader; but is there a way to select ALL the images for this? I only see single image or multi select, with the later having me select one by one! I might be missing something obvious, like a Ctrl-A shortcut, but from the manual it seems like i do indeed have to select one and repeat! What about 500 images? :)
No, you cannot save AF or Drive mode into Custom settings.

I simply leave my S5II in AF-C mode all the time so only have to switch the drive mode.

I simply leave my S5II in AF-C mode all the time so only have to switch the drive mode.
I almost never switch from AF-S to AF-C, because it's not necessary. That's is even more true for the S5II.

I don't remember focusing issues because of forgetting to switch from AF-C to AF-S, but vice versa I do.
I almost never switch from AF-S to AF-C, because it's not necessary. That's is even more true for the S5II.

I don't remember focusing issues because of forgetting to switch from AF-C to AF-S, but vice versa I do.
I read somewhere AF-S does not use PDAF and only the Dfd, is this true?