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Rick from Parker CO


New Member
Great to join this group! I'm a new owner of a Panasonic S5ii. I've been on the Pentax system for over 20 years and used to shoot on a Pentax medium format film camera. My K1 recently stopped working and they wanted $650 to fix it. It's refreshing to have this new camera - but I'm realizing I have a lot to learn.
Currently, I'm using my old manual focus Pentax lenses adapated to the S5ii. Including a 50mm f1.2 and 85mm f2 lens. It's clearly an exceptional camera!
I have the Panasonic 20-60mm on the way and plan get more lenses as budget permits. I'm tired of fringing on the pentax lenses and pretty soon I'll be really tired of manually focusting.
Have a great day! - Rick
Welcome Rick, this place is over spilling with ex-Pentaxians although I still have film cameras and lenses. Yeah I tried a few adapted... tried being the word, even my Pentax F*300 f4.5 got beat by Lumix 70-300. The other one is Lumix 24-105 replacing all previous primes and zooms. All Pentax digital gear and era lenses sold, mostly * and Limiteds.

Just wait until you get Lumix lenses on that S5ii, you will be impressed.

Glad you had the sense to not pour money into a broken K1 and Pentax in general, it was a good time to break.

BTW if you bought camera combo deals you would have saved a fortune on lenses.
Welcome aboard, Rick! Daumenhoch Smilie
Welcome Rick! My very first camera was my first and last Pentax. A P30n but that was a “while” ago.

We like sharing pictures but most threads are actually about l-mount gear. Or what we really want but does not exist yet etc.
Welcome Rick. ex-Colorado here, I still get back when I can. There is SO much to photograph there.
Welcome Rick! My very first camera was my first and last Pentax. A P30n but that was a “while” ago.

We like sharing pictures but most threads are actually about l-mount gear. Or what we really want but does not exist yet etc.
I know the P30n, I have a decent working MX which I restored from a wrecked donor MX, I think I also bought a different focussing screen for it.

I replaced all the mirror box foam damping pads both on it and a mint ME Super which I paid a lot for a CLA on.

Will I use them again? Maybe? I developed and made prints all with B&W from both and I still have full darkroom equipment now in storage.

These cameras are superior to that new 1/2 frame toy Pentax 17 film camera, I find it difficult to understand the people who pay big money for those when you can buy a real legacy model like I have for beer money and have a real legacy experience along with full 35mm output.