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I can understand him. Fanboys often turn off their brains and get way too emotional. They use then on different platforms or YT channels him as a target, an enemy, as a synonym for something negative. This started already with the S9 launch. They just do not stop and this goes sooner or later under the skin.
Yeah, this.

I admit I didn’t make it very far into the video myself, but I’ve been dealing with fanboy behavior on the ‘net since the 90s, and it is exhausting.

I think it is good that he posted that video. This is a very clear statement for all people who watch YT reviews and we all should reflect our behaviour, as sooon as we "do not like" some reviews or part of reviews. Criticism is not bad per se, as long as it is made in a civilized manner, without emotions, objective with respect to the other human beeing.

Again, this. I try to keep from getting personal. I don’t always succeed, and I regret it later.
Actually he made (again) a new video, and this one is for me by far the most useful:

Also that information that the uncropped EIS is reducing the visible effects of rolling shutter is interesting.
Other reviewers also mentioned it.. I have seen to many videos about the S1Rii, I don't remember which Z04 Kaputtlachen