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Photowalk Japan and Taiwan with Lumix S9 + Lumix S18-40

Hello Richard, great videos and great review! I have the same S9 red as yours! Have you tested with live streaming? I know that it's not the ideal camera for live streaming but it is supported. I would like to know a setup so that it cannot overheat and stay at least 2 hours. Do I need to buy a video capture usb stick? Please advise. Thank you!
I might have done some quick testing but I don't really use that myself
You could get a HDMI -> USB stick for livestreaming as S9 doesn't have built-in UVC feature currently. Or you could try the Lumix Webcam software but if you are a mac user, i heard it doesn't work very well with latest Mac OS (once again i haven't test it myself recently)
But either way, if you are not recording internally, the camera won't heat up quite as fast as it doesn't need to do encoding/writing
I might have done some quick testing but I don't really use that myself
You could get a HDMI -> USB stick for livestreaming as S9 doesn't have built-in UVC feature currently. Or you could try the Lumix Webcam software but if you are a mac user, i heard it doesn't work very well with latest Mac OS (once again i haven't test it myself recently)
But either way, if you are not recording internally, the camera won't heat up quite as fast as it doesn't need to do encoding/writing
Thank you Richard for your reply. Take care.