I don’t have any experience with the 26mm f8, but I can see from
@Markuswelder ’s pics that it’s definitely sharp. TBH, that’s unsurprising - a 26mm f8 prime should be sharp.
My complaint about it is the price and comparing it to other FF pancakes. For the £220 Panasonic are asking, I can also buy a Nikon Z 28mm f2.8. Not only is it 3 stops faster, but it’s AF and has a proper focussing ring and a filter thread. And if I want something longer, I can get a 40mm version too. Both are small and light pancakes, only marginally bigger than the LUMIX lens.
But add onto all that the fact that Panasonic brought us the 14mm f2.5 and 20mm f1.7 pancakes for m43 and both are great lenses. Why such a shitty offering for FF? And why launch the PDAF-equipped S9 with an MF lens?
These are the reasons why it deserves to be criticised. Can it produce great images? For sure. Is it a useful tool in the right hands? Yes, of course. Is it a lens to congratulate Panasonic for making; for bringing something innovative and attractive to the market? Is it worth £220 compared to its rivals in other systems? Absolutely not. That’s why Jordan and Chris put it top of their “worst lens” ratings. Not because it isn’t sharp!
If I had an S9, I could be persuaded to buy the 26/8, but I wouldn’t pay more than £50 for it. At that price, I think we could just call it a body-cap lens and be done.