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Panasonic S lenses take the two top spots in Petapixel's worst lens of the year

Chris and Jordan are right. That 26mm needs to be withdrawn from sale and stricken from the record. Although I might have picked the 18-40mm as worse than the 28-200.
I think the philosophy behind Panasonic's latest lenses (28-200mm, 18-40mm) is to sacrifice a little image quality for photography, say between 5 and 10%, to gain portability. That is, small and light lenses, which are also excellent for video. For example the 100mm f2.8 macro lens.
I think the philosophy behind Panasonic's latest lenses (28-200mm, 18-40mm) is to sacrifice a little image quality for photography, say between 5 and 10%, to gain portability. That is, small and light lenses, which are also excellent for video. For example the 100mm f2.8 macro lens.
I don’t know about the 18-40, but the problem as I see it with the 28-200 is a marked loss of contrast and a sort of halo effect at longer focal lengths. The end result is a sort of veiled and “muddy” image that lacks punch. Wouldn’t this be a problem for video too?
I don’t know about the 18-40, but the problem as I see it with the 28-200 is a marked loss of contrast and a sort of halo effect at longer focal lengths. The end result is a sort of veiled and “muddy” image that lacks punch. Wouldn’t this be a problem for video too?
Which I don't have. Got very good VIDEO footage from it... And also my photos are quite sharp, At least on the S5iiX sensor, not High-res
Which I don't have. Got very good VIDEO footage from it... And also my photos are quite sharp, At least on the S5iiX sensor, not High-res
Winnie on dpreview shows excellent macros with it, not sure which focal length but at close range it looks quite amazing and I was surprised by it when I asked which lens.

I've seen good video also with it, all you have to do is a search.

BTW I couldn't give a toss what Chris thinks or most out there. I'm quite stoical about YouTuber opinions... Humans
Chris and Jordan are right. That 26mm needs to be withdrawn from sale and stricken from the record. Although I might have picked the 18-40mm as worse than the 28-200.
I enjoy mine a lot, and I do not think it is a bad lens in any possible way.
I tried to upload an example pic of today but "max size 1600x"?
That clearly reduces the pixel peeping fun...
I enjoy mine a lot, and I do not think it is a bad lens in any possible way.
I tried to upload an example pic of today but "max size 1600x"?
That clearly reduces the pixel peeping fun...
Fixed f8 aperture, no AF, no focus scale, no integration with built in MF tools.

Launching this with a PDAF video camera made Lumix look unhinged.
Fixed f8 aperture, no AF, no focus scale, no integration with built in MF tools.

Launching this with a PDAF video camera made Lumix look unhinged.
This is, let's say, a special lens for the S9, just like light street photography. You don't need to focus, but put it in a position of 20-30 meters without turning infinity, and you will get an overall sharpness from the near background to almost infinity. I would try (although there are 24/3.5i) for the sake of interest how it works in reality.

I tried to upload an example pic of today but "max size 1600x"?
ly reduces the pixel peeping fun...
upload it to some trusted hosting: flickr, google photos, or somewhere else.
Last edited:
This is, let's say, a special lens for the S9, just like light street photography. You don't need to focus, but put it in a position of 20-30 meters without turning infinity, and you will get an overall sharpness from the near background to almost infinity. I would try (although there are 24/3.5i) for the sake of interest how it works in reality.
I have great fun using mine on my S5. It's the complete opposite of a "serious" lens, probably why I like mine so much. Perfect for popping on the S5 and taking mountain biking with me, or to work and dropping into my toolbox. It's just a fun little lens, that's capable of excellent results, on any camera, for anyone who cares to understand it.
I find that you do have to take care with focus, I suspect that's why quite a few people seem to think it doesn't have great IQ, but it works perfectly with all the built in focus aids Panasonic includes with their cameras.
  • Panasonic - DC-S5
  • 26.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/40 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • -0.7
  • ISO 100
  • Panasonic - DC-S5
  • 26.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/125 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • -0.7
  • ISO 100
  • Panasonic - DC-S5
  • 26.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/100 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • -0.7
  • ISO 100
Chris and Jordan are right. That 26mm needs to be withdrawn from sale and stricken from the record. Although I might have picked the 18-40mm as worse than the 28-200.
I don't, and can't understand this attitude or mindset. It reeks of elitism and arrogance, two things I find abhorrent. Why can't the consumers simply be allowed to choose what works for them? Instead of being Lorded over by interwebz camera "experts"?
Anyone who thinks the little 26mm had poor image quality really does need their eyes checked I think. Or needs to rethink their focusing technique
  • Panasonic - DC-S5
  • 26.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/125 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • ISO 100
  • Panasonic - DC-S5
  • 26.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/80 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • -0.7
  • ISO 100
no integration with built in MF tools.
I don't know if you are refering to focus peaking or 20x magnification, but you get both with the 26mm.

Like Markus says, this Lens is a "fun" Lens, and since I started using it I am having fun with other manual lenses, like the Voigtlander 40 mm f2 or with af lenses like the 50mm f1.4 pro and its focus clutch.

  • Panasonic - DC-S5
  • LUMIX S 26/F8
  • 26.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/60 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • ISO 250
I don't, and can't understand this attitude or mindset. It reeks of elitism and arrogance, two things I find abhorrent. Why can't the consumers simply be allowed to choose what works for them? Instead of being Lorded over by interwebz camera "experts"?
As a consumer my choice was not to buy this lens because it wouldn’t work for me. I also don’t think Lumix should be selling it standalone. That’s just my opinion, it’s not a personal attack on anyone. It’s fine if you like the lens.
I meant why the 18-45.
The 26mm F8 I would not touch with a pole.
Lol. I’m sure the 18-40 IQ is fine but I was disappointed when I saw it was a collapsible design that has to be extended before it lets you take pictures. I’ve not been a fan of that after owning the Lumix G 12-32mm years ago.
Why not? Why do you think I shouldn't be allowed to buy a brand new, local stock, complete with warranty 26mm pancake for my S5?
Because, for £220, I think Lumix owes you, the consumer, a better product. I think they could have done better with this lens for what they are asking.
Because, for £220, I think Lumix owes you, the consumer, a better product. I think they could have done better with this lens for what they are asking.
There's that Elitism I was talking about. Why do you think you get to decide, for me?
I don't know if you are refering to focus peaking or 20x magnification, but you get both with the 26mm.

Like Markus says, this Lens is a "fun" Lens, and since I started using it I am having fun with other manual lenses, like the Voigtlander 40 mm f2 or with af lenses like the 50mm f1.4 pro and its focus clutch.

View attachment 8230
I’d heard that when you are focusing it doesn’t bring up the on screen digital focus scale that you get with other native L lenses. This is really useful when the lens doesn’t have a scale printed on it.