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Panasonic Lumix S5IIX Focus Peaking

Jerry Murphy

New Member
I recently bought the Lumix S5IIX with Panasonic 24mm to 105mm lens and I've been going through the User's Manual learning what I can. I have been unable to turn on focus peaking. I have turned it on in the menus as well as the display touch tab and made sure Live View Boost is off. I've also tried auto focus and manual. I want it because I have an old lens I want to use, but peaking doesn't work with either lens. I assume I have changed some setting in the camera and disabled focus peaking. Any ideas? Thanks
I recently bought the Lumix S5IIX with Panasonic 24mm to 105mm lens and I've been going through the User's Manual learning what I can. I have been unable to turn on focus peaking. I have turned it on in the menus as well as the display touch tab and made sure Live View Boost is off. I've also tried auto focus and manual. I want it because I have an old lens I want to use, but peaking doesn't work with either lens. I assume I have changed some setting in the camera and disabled focus peaking. Any ideas? Thanks
Well, it rarely fails. I asked for help and then found the answer myself. I think I had the sensitivity set too low and just couldn't see it. :)
Well, it rarely fails. I asked for help and then found the answer myself. I think I had the sensitivity set too low and just couldn't see it. :)

Yep. If I wash the car, it's always going to rain a few hours later.