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Panasonic Lumix S 18mm F1.8

I like your pictures!
Why did you think about selling this lens in the first place? Just because of the focal length?
So this turned up after lunch today. Pretty damn good service seeing I only ordered it Friday afternoon. Anyway, I'm happy with it. As you can see I've already been busy with my little Nimbot Laser label maker lol lol. A couple of quick throwaway shots (been busy trying to organize travel Visas so no time for playing cameras until that's sorted) and I can see that it's got a bit of "that look" to the images :) I can see I'm going to have a lot of fun with this lens :)
  • Panasonic - DC-S5
  • 50.0 mm
  • ƒ/3.2
  • 1/80 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • -0.3
  • ISO 100
There's a little bit of a learning curve with this lens. It's not a stop down to F11 to get the best out of it type lens. From what I'm seeing it's more optimised for the wider apertures. Good fun shooting F1.8-F2 with it though :) Got my Visa sorted after 400 odd km's of driving back and forwards to the application center, so a bit of time now to experiment before we head off :)

Wide open @ F1.8 :)
54398797093_39c5524151_h.jpg250318-P1025724 by Markus Welder, on Flickr
Just documenting some crane repairs I'm doing, normally with this type of shot I'd stop down to F8-F10 with my S14-28mm (which is sharp as a tack) but the 18mm seems to respond better @ F4- F4.5 Bit more experimenting required yet, to find out what I can get away with. Way darker than the photo looks by the way.

  • Panasonic - DC-S5
  • 18.0 mm
  • ƒ/4.5
  • 1/15 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • ISO 500
To get a much better idea of the embedded photos image quality, click on the photo, then click the Icon up the top right, second from the left, that looks like a square box with an arrow sticking out of the top right corner @ 45 degrees, which then opens it in a new tab, click on the photo again to show the full size version, and that's a lot closer to what it actually looks like from my HD.
Just documenting some crane repairs I'm doing, normally with this type of shot I'd stop down to F8-F10 with my S14-28mm (which is sharp as a tack) but the 18mm seems to respond better @ F4- F4.5 Bit more experimenting required yet, to find out what I can get away with. Way darker than the photo looks by the way.

View attachment 9749
The 18 is tack sharp as the 14-28?
The 18 is tack sharp as the 14-28?
I'm not a lens tester, I hate doing comparison tests, I haven't tried back to back tests at 18mm on the S 14-28mm, so I can't really answer that. If someone forced me to give an opinion, I'd take a wild guess that the 14-28mm MIGHT, just MIGHT be a bit sharper right out in the corners. No proper evidence to support that though. They're both plenty sharp (highly technical definition) for me

Edit -the 14-28mm doesn't open up to F1.8, the 18mm doesn't zoom to 14 or 28mm, so quite different use cases for me
Lol lol. It's not often you hear, or think of Ultrawide & shallow depth of field in the same thought process, but the Lumix 18mm F1.8 does it in spades. It's a whole new world of entertainment let me tell you. Went to have a wander around a Truck & transport show, ended up stumbling over a small country car show/fair. It's not even a town. Just a name on a map. Had a ball. Talked to heaps of people, and shot these. I've got to learn to stop down a bit more, still in a rather large learning phase. Great fun.
54401427457_3ad12c2ccc_h.jpg250322-P1025917 by Markus Welder, on Flickr

54402546568_a72b40d894_h.jpg250322-P1025921 by Markus Welder, on Flickr

54402313821_13932844bd_h.jpg250322-P1025922 by Markus Welder, on Flickr

The lens is beautiful. Rich and contrasty colour, very very little PP work. Loving it. Never took it off the camera all day :)
Flare seems very very well controlled. Best of any Ultrawide I've shot, & I own a few. In m4/3 the Laowa 10mm f2, PL 8-18, & PL 9mm. In L mount the 20-60, & 14-28mm. Only noticed it in a couple of shots all day, and it's pretty minor -not huge & ugly that ruins shots. Quite impressed. I'll post a couple where it reared its head
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