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Paid S5ii(X) updates


LMF-Patron Gold
Never realized, but did you know there is already a paid update for the S5ii(X):

But for that price a want a B-RAW update, not this...
Never realized, but did you know there is already a paid update for the S5ii(X):

But for that price a want a B-RAW update, not this...
Thank you, John, I don't know about it. It sounds very useful. I would like a B-Raw update too. :rolleyes:
Never realized, but did you know there is already a paid update for the S5ii(X):
Interesting. I do any volume photography with my A1, not my S5IIx. I will look into this some.
Interesting. I do any volume photography with my A1, not my S5IIx. I will look into this some.
Does the A1 offers special features for volume photography? Otherwise I would never use such an expensive camera for volume photography where much cheaper options will do the job…