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New UWA in M mount works great on my fp. Solinon 18mm 5.6 Asph

Nice. What M adapter did you use? And where did you buy the lens?
I got it direct from them in HK only took 4 days to show up in Virginia USA. They shipped it on a Fri. and I had it Monday around 1700. Be advised the lens cap fall's off the lens when all your doing is looking at it. I solved the problem by picking up a K&F Concept "impact resistant UV nano filter" fits fine. Note the hood screws on the outside of the lens so does not cause any issues with using a filter, I would not try a POL as that could cause issues. I have used a LLL M to L adp and a 7 artisans M to L adp both worked fine.
The lens you can find at Solinon.com, I found the filter and the LLL close focus M to L adp. at qy camera store on AliExpress

K&F Concept UV X Armor MCUV Explosion-proof Strong Impact Resistance filter