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New Leica 2,8/70-200


Active Member
Today Leica officially released the new 2,8/70-200 lens for l-mount. The details of the lens are nearly identical to the latest Sigma 2,8/70-200 DGDN. Only the body looks different and is around 200g more heavy. Also the price is nearly doubled (at least in Germany).

With this lens Leica has completed the holy trinity of 2,8 zooms, all based on Sigma designs.

I own the 14-24 and 24-70 from Sigma for my Lumix cameras. I rate the these lenses as best (with some other Art lenses from Sigma) I owned in 40 years of photography. So nothing wrong with the decision of Leica to use it from my side.

For me it would be interesting to get some infos about the Leica versions in general:
- are these lenses build in Germany or Japan?
- if build in Germany are parts like glas elements coming from Japan?
- are there comparisons available which discuss the differences between Leica and Sigma versions?
- if build in Germany are parts like glas elements coming from Japan

Sigma and others have been using resin elements in modern designs for some time and hence why modern lenses are significantly more lightweight. They might still use glass for front and rear elements but not sure. The resins have better optical properties too.
I just wish I liked the aesthetic and ergonomics of the sigma lenses as I end up spending more for Panasonic or Leica versions