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More 3rd party lenses coming

Probably not, otherwise the lens would have af in l-mount, don*t you think?
Well, they do make MF lenses in L Mount - so either they are doing unauthorised, reverse-engineered mechanical engineering; or they are signed up and just haven’t yet progressed to the electronics.
I wonder if Laowa are formally signed up to L-mount.

Well, they do make MF lenses in L Mount - so either they are doing unauthorised, reverse-engineered mechanical engineering; or they are signed up and just haven’t yet progressed to the electronics.

It's just got a dumb metal mount, probably 10 brands or so have been doing that for a while, Viltrox did their first L-mount manual focus lens back in 2020.
A few Chinese brands tried/ trying to join the L-mount alliance, but none managed to get anywhere AFAIK.
It's just got a dumb metal mount, probably 10 brands or so have been doing that for a while, Viltrox did their first L-mount manual focus lens back in 2020.
A few Chinese brands tried/ trying to join the L-mount alliance, but none managed to get anywhere AFAIK.
Sounds like the MF stuff is done by reverse engineering then.