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Lumix S9 user guide settings


LMF-Patron Gold
I've not seen a User Guide for the S9 yet, it probably won't be out until about the time the camera ships. But here is a good setup guide and tutorial by Shane on his Geeky Nerdy Techy YouTube channel. It starts out with basic photography 101, but then evolves to the details of the camera's features and setting up the menus. The menus are very much, almost identical, to the S5II, except when it gets to the S9 features and the S9 limitations. I found it pretty informative.

It'll be easy if you own S5ii or any Lumix, that is if you mastered those ... Not me yet
Pete therefore has zero problems.
Of course the user guide is now available.

I do have quite a few differences for the s9 compared to the S5II. This is mainly for hybrid zoom and digital zoom. When I get my S9 back I’ll go through this again and post the settings.
One benefit that comes from the S9 not having a drive mode dial or an AF mode switch is that settings for both of these can be saved into custom mode slots. You can't do this on the S5II, S5IIX or S5 OG.

So for example I can be using the S9 in AF-S mode and singe shot but can switch to a custom mode and be in AF-C and burst mode without needing to change any other dials or switches.