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Lumix S5II/IIx E-Stab High Test Footage

Thanks Richard!

Two things that I thought were amazing when watching this:
  1. When you were running, the stabilisation is incredibly good! Panasonic has done an amazing job.
  2. You were actually running, with your arms outstretched in front of you holding two S5II cameras!! That's brave and could have been quite expensive if you tripped and fell, smashing the cameras and possibly landing on your elbows! :oops:
Thanks Richard!

Two things that I thought were amazing when watching this:
  1. When you were running, the stabilisation is incredibly good! Panasonic has done an amazing job.
  2. You were actually running, with your arms outstretched in front of you holding two S5II cameras!! That's brave and could have been quite expensive if you tripped and fell, smashing the cameras and possibly landing on your elbows! :oops:
A man who's committed to his journalism !! ;)