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Lumix S5 (mark 1) - Ode to a Legend!


New Member
I was initially excited for the S1Rii release, and really wanted to see the pixel-binning similar to the Leica Q3 or Sony A7R V:
"Medium Raw (M Raw) refers to a lossless compressed RAW file type that results in 26MP images, downsampled from the full 61MP sensor".

Instead, I satisfied my GAS with a second Lumix S5 body so that I can shoot with 2 primes quickly without changing lenses. It is something that I have wanted for awhile, since the Lumix S5 sensor glass seems to be a dust magnet in the field.

I like to have the Sigma 35mm f2 on one body; and either the Sigma 65mm f2 or Lumix 20-60mm on the 2nd body. So far I love this setup, and hang both from my neck simultaneously.

I have decided that I really don't need more than 24-26 megapixels. Sometimes, with my Sigma primes, I think the 24 megapixels on the S5 is "too sharp" for the monochrome work that I do. I will use a Tiffen Black Diffusion/FX 1/2 filter to lower sharpness a bit. I also lower contrast slightly in Lightroom.

I had the 50 megapixel, Fujifilm GFX 50R for awhile and loved zooming into the images at 300% in Lightroom to see the detail; but for prints up to 20" (my max), that detail is lost. The noise, even at 640 iso was also worse than the S5 at higher ISOs.

Single point autofocus on the S5 is fast enough and accurate for what I need. The clean, low-noise files and great dynamic range from the S5 means that I will be satisfied with these 2 bodies for a long while.

My recent work: https://www.instagram.com/erikannis/
I need to shed some gear for an imminent medical bill. I'm hoping that when it's over I will still hold the S5 and 20-60; it is such a unique team for us who live in the Land of Low Budgets. The ii series has some great improvements for people whose work needs the AF & shot speed, but for many of us the S5 'classic coke' is an excellent choice.

I have some μ43 and Pentax gear, plus the 70-300 and 85/1.8, already on the runway. I'll miss it or hold on to that if I must, for now.
The S5 was my first foray back into the world of full frame, after a 8 or so year dalliance with m4/3. And a Canon 6D previous to that. Oh my. How things have changed. Lumix understands the attraction of small, light, great quality, reasonably priced lenses, that perform admirably. They really do. So far I've somehow managed to collect the 20-60mm -well, technically that's not quite true as it came with the S5 for a very very small premium over body only, the Lumix 14-28mm, Lumix 18mm F1.8, 26mm F8, 50mm F1.8, and 85mm F1.8. To say I'm very happy with all of them would be the understatement of the year. And year previous.
I think the L mount alliance is also a brilliant idea, you can go as premium, or consumer level as your budget allows, and you're not missing very much at the consumer end.
Yeah, the S5 has a few budget conscious decisions made in the spec level of some components and features, but that 24MP sensor really is something pretty damn good.