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Lumix S1Rii - Raw Files - High Shadow Noise


New Member
I was watching a Lumix S1Rii YouTube review from "Jan Bors Creative" and he mentioned that he allowed free downloads of his Lumix S1Rii Raw files at his "Buy Me a Coffee" link

After downloading and looking at the files in Lightroom, I am noticing very high noise when bringing up the shadows, even at low ISO settings. I also processed and exported the RAW files to 4000x6000 pixel JPEGs to match my Lumix S5 resolution. Even with the downsizing from Lightroom, the noise is much higher than in my native S5 files.

I don't use these cameras for video, just photography. I was hoping that this 44.3MP full-frame sensor could almost match the resolution and beat the noise from the older GFX 50 cameras.

I think that Panasonic when trying to make this a robust video camera, and a high FPS photo camera, has made noise concessions for still photography. For now I will keep my S5 and if I need a higher resolution image, upsize the RAW with Lightroom's Super Resolution mode, which works excellently on the clean RAW files from the original S5.

I was also watching another Lumix S1Rii YouTube review (and comparison to Sony A7RV and Canon R5II) from "Manny Ortiz" where at the 8:00 minute mark he mentions similar finding with artifacts in the files when bringing up the shadows.

YouTube links:

Manny Ortiz

Jan Bors

After watching this follow-up video, it seems that Lightroom's support for the S1Rii files may be premature. Better results are found in Capture 1 when bringing up the shadows:

After watching this follow-up video, it seems that Lightroom's support for the S1Rii files may be premature. Better results are found in Capture 1 when bringing up the shadows.

That figures. I remember when the S5ii first came out, DxO Photolab made a mess of lifting shadows. They fixed it pretty rapidly.
Yeah, I also got my hands on some raw files (courtesy Richard) from the S1RII and ran them through Cap1, and I thought the outcome looked pretty good. IIRC Richard's big S1RII video does some direct comparisons to the 24 MP sensor, and while the lower-res sensor did have an edge in shadow recovery, it wasn't very large (he used C1).