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Lumix S 50/1.8

I'm one of those that also had a love/hate relationship with the 50mm FOV. Never really used a 35mm on APSC where I first started out with ILC cameras, didn't get along with it when I had my 6D, but really quite liked it on m4/3. No idea why. So much so that I splashed out on the Panasonic Leica 25mm f1.4. And really really enjoyed it. So much so that when I side shifted to the S5, I had to acquire that 50mm FOV.
I absolutely love the Lumix S 50mm F1.8 Is it the sharpest 50mm out there? I'm guessing no, not by a long shot. But I really don't care. The Bokeh can be a little bit unusual at times, but I honestly don't worry about it. It's (the lens) has got a bit of character. It doesn't produce sterile, clinical images, it can produce a bit of CA at times, but in some way that I can not explain, it can produce almost organic looking shots at times. Did I say I really really like it? Build quality seems excellent to me, weather sealing is a bonus. It's one of the lenses that if I ever killed in some way, I'd instantly buy another.

Anyway, it was Chrysler day by the bay here today. I also took my Siggy 28-70 F2.8 along to try shooting @ 65mm, as I'm kinda a bit keen on the Siggy 65mm F2 prime. Don't think it's gonna happen though :)

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I love the pictures I get out of this lens. But I really have to set me to it to use it... I find it difficult to use in tighter spaces, but when I'm out and about with my family on a hike or something, then it really comes alive, then the focal length starts to work for me. But just walking in a city or landscape, I find it hard to use, but I love it! Way more then I loved the Sigma 45/2.8. For example, If I have a clear objective of what ì want to take pictures of, then I really love it. And the pictures I get out of it. But if I put this lens on my camera and I take a walk in nature, I doesn't really work for me. Really need to have a clear subject. Portraits, objects, etc. Where as if I put on my 35 and go for a walk, I don't have to think about it, I can walk to exactly the right spot, lift my camera and take a picture. Same with 28. But not so with 50.

That is the reason why I sold the 85 in the first place. Even harder to use for me. I always state that I would like to have a small 135/2.8 lens. Such a lens is way more useful to me because it has enough tele reach, and fast. And I bring it only when I need it or want to use it. 85 is too short in that regard.