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LMF-Patron Gold
Shooting B&W is one of my favs.. And previously, one of my favorite cameras to do so, was on the Fuji X-Pro 1. I don't know, something about that sensor, something about how it reads the images in B&W, it was just money. Now, obviously on the S5ii and other Panasonic cameras...there is "L Monochrome" and a few variations of it but.. On the newly released S9, I was excited to see something called "LEICA MONOCHROME." Now, I don't know much about it, I don't know the specs of it, or what it takes after, or how the Leica x Lumix partnership created and authorized the look but, whatever the case...I am happy to have it. It has been pretty cool using it also. Here are my first images using it..

Shooting B&W is one of my favs.. And previously, one of my favorite cameras to do so, was on the Fuji X-Pro 1. I don't know, something about that sensor, something about how it reads the images in B&W, it was just money. Now, obviously on the S5ii and other Panasonic cameras...there is "L Monochrome" and a few variations of it but.. On the newly released S9, I was excited to see something called "LEICA MONOCHROME." Now, I don't know much about it, I don't know the specs of it, or what it takes after, or how the Leica x Lumix partnership created and authorized the look but, whatever the case...I am happy to have it. It has been pretty cool using it also. Here are my first images using it..

Great! I find the contrast in this profile very tasty. Another reason to buy the S9 Daumenhoch
It looks great and something I’ve been wanting to use for a while.

This photo style was included in the G9 II https://www.panasonic.com/uk/consum...res/lumix-s-commitment-to-picture-making.html

It’s something that I’ve been hoping that would be added to the S5 II and X - when the L.Monochrome D photo style was introduced with the GX9, it was subsequently added to the G9, GH5 and GH5 via firmware, couple of months or so after the GX9 launched.

Although I’m waiting for a S9, fingers crossed that it gets added to other models too!
It looks great and something I’ve been wanting to use for a while.

This photo style was included in the G9 II https://www.panasonic.com/uk/consum...res/lumix-s-commitment-to-picture-making.html

It’s something that I’ve been hoping that would be added to the S5 II and X - when the L.Monochrome D photo style was introduced with the GX9, it was subsequently added to the G9, GH5 and GH5 via firmware, couple of months or so after the GX9 launched.

Although I’m waiting for a S9, fingers crossed that it gets added to other models too!
I was wondering about that !!! Cool to see the G9MK2 have it. I am hoping the S5II/X gets the access as well, and I heard only the GH7 - G9MK2 - S5II - S5IIX - S9, will have access to the Lumix Lab app. I don't know if that's true or not but, something I heard. Seems like they want a certain date / issue of camera to be the start, w/ the app atleast.