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Latest S1ii rumours...


I wonder if Lumix will have something at CES? Panasonic already had a big opening Keynote yesterday, but a product announcement would be nice.
I think it's a little unusual, if we see a S1ii and SL3-S so close in time getting announced. It's also unusual that we know about nothing at the moment. From Panasonic we even don't know actually what we get when, but only very soon.

From Leica, we know it's very likely the SL3-S on January 16th. But usually Leica isn't as good in creeping secrets, compared to the Japanese companies. Usually we know almost everything a view week before the announcement. This time, I haven't seen any specifications that would look more than a wild guess.
It's gonna be a S1R successor in February:

Not that close, I would have hoped. But still.
Biggest question in my mind is what the form factor will be - S1-size or S5-size. I'm guessing probably between the two.