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L-Mount Fisheyes

Travis Butler

Well-Known Member
I’ve read the threads on the TTArtisans and Sigma fisheyes here. Has anyone else had any experience with fisheyes on L-Mount?

On M4/3, I have the Samyang/Rokinon 7.5mm/3.5 - the small one specifically reformulated for mirrorless, not the SLR-extended-mount one - and really like it. I don’t use it very often, mainly in shots where I can embrace the distortion creatively (see the pics at the end); but it’s nice to have for those.

I’d like to have something similar for L-Mount… but since I wouldn’t use it very often, I don’t want to spend a lot on one. The TTArtisans 11mm looks nice, but even that’s a bit more than I really want to spend. There’s a TTArtisan 7.5mm available for L-Mount, but I haven’t been able to find much on it - and all of the reviewers used it on other mounts. There’s an AstrHori 12mm fisheye; but it’s apparently pretty large and heavy, and again haven’t found any reviews of it on L-mount. Finally, there’s an AstrHori 10mm APS-C fixed aperture f/8 pancake, which is only $80 but has almost nothing in the way of reviews. (Not that I’d expect a whole lot for $80, but at least it’d fall into the ‘cheap enough to be fun toy’ category.)

Other suggestions?

Following. I would love an L-mount equivalent of the Olympus 8mm f1.8. Almost my favourite lens on MFT.
I’ve read the threads on the TTArtisans and Sigma fisheyes here. Has anyone else had any experience with fisheyes on L-Mount?
I have the TT-Artisan 11mm, bought for a bargen 3 years ago but hardly used...

TTartisan 11mm fisheye, 1/15s, F2.8, 6400 ISO, manual focus, handheld, shot with Lumix S5

I just realized this might be a very good lens to try for video with E-stabilazation set to high... :p I am going to try that :)
I just realized this might be a very good lens to try for video with E-stabilazation set to high... :p I am going to try that :)
My experience with the TTartisan 11mm and E-Stabilizationb is no, this is a disaster. If you find a way to make this work I'd like to hear it. Normal stabilization without E-Stabilization might be good.