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Just traded my Sigma 16-28 for a Sigma 35/2


I decided to trade my 16-28 (now replaced by the 14-28) for a Sigma 35 f2. I like the 35mm FOV and a nice wide prime is always a pleasure of a lens to use. The Sigma 35/2 seems to get good reviews so I thought “why not”.
I've had my eye on that lens, or the Lumix 35/1.8. I look forward to seeing some of your photos from the new lens!
I've had my eye on that lens, or the Lumix 35/1.8. I look forward to seeing some of your photos from the new lens!
It’s coming from MPB, so won’t have it until they receive my 16-28 and evaluate it for the trade. Probably late next week I’d guess before the 35 arrives.
I recently bought a Sigma fp L as a replacement for my Sony RX1 that abruptly failed about a month ago, and that was the lens I was intending to go for. Unfortunately neither of my local dealers had it in stock, so I ended up choosing the 24mm f/3.5 since it has far less distortion than the 24mm f/2, can focus close enough to give 0.5x magnification, and was available at a discount. Plus I like 24mm for a general purpose wide angle lens.

But I still want to get the 35mm f/2 (eventually: I've just spent far more than I should have) so it'll be nice to see your photos using it.
It's a nice lens, I really like the i-series Sigma lenses, build quality, size, IQ everything. I was kicking myself because I pre-ordered and got the new 50 Sigma Art 1.4, just before they announced the 50 f/2. 50mm is always a favourite FL for me, so I had a "why not" moment myself a couple of days ago and the F2 arrived yesterday, will give myself some time to decide whether I'll keep the Art or not. Too old now for "if only" and "what ifs":):). Just had a lovely walk trying out the 50 f/2, very happy I made the decision. Looking forward to seeing how you get on with the 35mm Paul.
It's a nice lens, I really like the i-series Sigma lenses, build quality, size, IQ everything. I was kicking myself because I pre-ordered and got the new 50 Sigma Art 1.4, just before they announced the 50 f/2. 50mm is always a favourite FL for me, so I had a "why not" moment myself a couple of days ago and the F2 arrived yesterday, will give myself some time to decide whether I'll keep the Art or not. Too old now for "if only" and "what ifs":):). Just had a lovely walk trying out the 50 f/2, very happy I made the decision. Looking forward to seeing how you get on with the 35mm Paul.
Yeah, that 50 f2 looks great too. I have the Panasonic 50 f1.8, which is a great performer, but I’m sure the feel and build quality of the Sigma is a lot better.
Enjoy - I love the i-series primes which now form the bulk of my L mount kit. Picking up a secondhand 90mm tomorrow and will probably eventually get the 50/2.
Here are some samples from an afternoon trip to Oxford.

It's a fantastic lens - beautiful colours, excellent contrast and micro-contrast, crazy good sharpness - all of which help to deliver a general "pop" to images with it. I think it's the best 35mm lens I've used. All with the S5 and shot raw with processing in LR.













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Final footnote... as someone who usually carries at least of couple of zooms with me most of the time (invariably the 14-28 and 24-105), it was quite refreshing to have to spend an afternoon with a single lens attached to the camera. A few times I wanted wider, but I forced myself to find a composition that fitted the FOV.
Nice! Here in Germany (in the hole world?) Oxford is the synonym of propper and correct English! But i guess if it is for members only, its good that the great sense of english humour has its place also there. At least in you and your pix.
Oxford is one of the nicer places to visit in the UK. Don't even think about visiting Bradford, or Luton, or Middlesborough, or about 2000 other places.
Here are some samples from an afternoon trip to Oxford.
These are all really good. They show off both the Sigma 35/2 and the S5, and of course your eye. Plus it looks like a beautiful Spring day.
This has really started the GAS in me. :oops:
Good choice, the 35mm F2 Sigma has a good local contrast (microcontrast), it is not the sharpest 35mm wide open but I still prefer this lens to the Lumix 35mm f1.8, mainly because of the local contrast.
Interestingly, I took three shots at 35mm and f8 with the three lenses I have that can do this focal length - 20-60, 24-105, and the Sigma 35. It was hard to tell them apart to be honest. If I had to pick a sharpness winner though it would be …. the 20-60. Strange world.

But I do think there’s a slightly different look to the Sigma lens - there’s just that little bit more pop and a “feeling” of extra definition. Pixel peeking reveals that it’s not any sharper though. Maybe this is the famed “micro contrast”?