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*** January 2024 Image and Video Thread ***


Well-Known Member
I finally got out for a day of shooting yesterday, first time since November last year! And of course, it was an overcast grey day with very flat light. I had fun nonetheless.

This photo is of intermodal train 5BM4 that runs down the east coast of Australia from Brisbane through Sydney to Melbourne, a total distance of approximately 1,950 kilometres.

Pacific National's 5BM4 heading south through Moss Vale by Peter Watters, on Flickr
One of my first pictures with the S5IIX. I do much more video with this camera, but if you find a spot like this one, you have to take a picture...

  • Panasonic - DC-S5M2X
  • LUMIX S 20-60/F3.5-5.6
  • 20.0 mm
  • ƒ/13
  • 1/125 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • -1
  • ISO 100
but if you find a spot like this one, you have to take a picture...
Nice. Yep, I also take pictures with my S5IIx. I don't know if you are doing HDR processing with your photos, but this should be very good in HDR.
Bought a used Sigma 45/2.8 for 350€ like it very much!!! just a small test @ home. 2.8 and 5.6

  • Panasonic - DC-S5M2
  • 45.0 mm
  • ƒ/2.8
  • 1/160 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • ISO 100
  • Panasonic - DC-S5M2
  • 45.0 mm
  • ƒ/5.6
  • 1/60 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • 0.7
  • ISO 320
Another shot from day out earlier this month. This is Pacific National's train #2226 bulk minerals led by locomotives 8178 & 8136 at Moss Vale, which is 145km by rail south of Sydney.

It was a very dull day with flat light so I processed this one in DxO PhotoLab using the neutral black and white setting.

Panasonic S5M2, LUMIX S 24-105mm at 75mm, ƒ/8.0 1/800s ISO1000

PN's 2226 bulk minerals led by 8178 & 8136 at Moss Vale by Peter Watters, on Flickr
Out for a walk yesterday, in the melting snow and testing a new lens...

  • 1/60 sec
  • Pattern
  • ISO 6400

Lumix S5, Kiron 80-200/4.5 Macro

I like Kirons, and this one is quite nice - metal body and built like a tank, well-damped focus, with nice colors and a crispness combined with decent OOF rendering.

  • 1/100 sec
  • Pattern
  • ISO 6400

  • 1/30 sec
  • Pattern
  • ISO 6400

Snow can melt in mysterious ways...