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Interesting article on the S9 by Richard Butler

I think the distinction is that G100 is not a fully featured camera like the GX9 and GM5 were. It has less features and some limitations. My understanding of what Sean was saying is that not enough people bought the fully featured small cameras because of the price.
And that tells you what is going on. The true GX8 successor never appeared. It was watered down to the form of the GX9. Cheaper EVF. Less capable IBIS, AF and sensor. Why? Because despite all the screaming and crying on interwebz forums, user's didn't want to pay for the features they were demanding. It's as simple as that. And it now appears as if the GX X & XX line of bodies has been shelved. Time will tell if it's permanently, or otherwise. While the G100 continues. But yeah, Sean is just a bull$h!tter.
I'm not sure if they've totally abandoned them, possibly more just put them on ice perhaps until their research says they might be profitable again. Or assessing exactly what price to feature ratio might work. For both parties. Only guessing here though. It makes less than zero sense to abandon a profitable sector or market, and even less again to continue producing something that's costing them money.
It just reinforces the fact that what the interwebz camera experts proclaim is what is needed in the market, isn't.
Yes, agreed. There have been rumours of a G100 Mark 2 and I think there probably will be one. If it came out with PDAF and a few other goodies it might give the OM5 a run for its money.

I can't see OMDS doing much new under their new owners. Maybe if they strengthen the base of the OM5 so it doesn't break off when someone uses the tripod socket it would be a good start.