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In body filters

Hi Paul,

have you already had a look at Kase filters? They have a product line called magnetic round filtes. These are round. Very easy to use. Not cheap, but how often do you buy filters? I got that tip from a landscape photographer on youtube. I bought them for me in size 77mm (biggest lens I have) and use adapters to get to that size with each lens. Easy to use, easy to carry around.

Pay attention that you get the newer version ( I have no direct link to them), they improved that line.
Thanks Dirk. I like the idea of magnetic filters, but for the moment I have a good set of Urth 77mm screw-in filters. Of course, neither these Kase magnetic nor my Urth filters will fit the Sigma 14-24 since that lens lacks a filter thread.

Thanks Dirk. I like the idea of magnetic filters, but for the moment I have a good set of Urth 77mm screw-in filters. Of course, neither these Kase magnetic nor my Urth filters will fit the Sigma 14-24 since that lens lacks a filter thread.
Like we said, the Sigma has a rear filter holder.