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Hello to all members.

Bill Taylor

New Member
My name is Bill Taylor and I live in Australia. I spent many years in the software industry and recently set up a small business in commercial photography. Having moved from 25+ years with Canon (Film and Digital) dabbled with Olympus then Lumix, I was always tempted by Leica Optics from an M I borrowed years ago. Took the plunge and set my self up with an SL2-S and a Q, of which the glass has now grown to include Leica (L and M), Sigma and Panasonic. Looking forward to sharing thoughts and Idea's on this platform.


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Welcome Bill. How are you liking the SL2s? Most of us here are Panasonic users (although Dirk I know uses a Q), so it would be good to get a perspective from a Leica user.
Welcome to the forum Bill! Daumenhoch Smilie