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Hallo from Wales


New Member
Recently bought an S5. Getting to grips with it whilst running Fuji too. Looking forward to using the forum. Got to get PASM settled in my head again. Been a little while since I used a Canon DSLR, but I'm sure it'll be close enough. Cheers.
Hi, your post jumped out, Shropshire is my home so just wondered what part of beautiful Wales you are from.. and welcome!
Hi Phil. Welcome.
I am sure you will enjoy your S5!
Hi Phil, welcome!

If I remember right, Fuji had a camera once with S5 in the name too. Good match ;)

Have fun!
Hi Phil, welcome!

If I remember right, Fuji had a camera once with S5 in the name too. Good match ;)

Have fun!
You're right, bit of a Nikon copy but apparently much loved for people photography, particularly weddings. I have to remind myself to put Lumix in front of S5 to avoid confusion .