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Greetings from Tobacco Road (central North Carolina, USA)

Stonewall Brigade

New Member
Greetings from Tobacco Road (central North Carolina, USA) to the L-Mount Forum. I am a long-time Leica photographer (M rangefinders, TL2, Q and Q2, SL and SL2), and in the film days, various R and CL 35mm bodies. I have previously owned the excellent Lumix S Pro 16-35mm and S Pro 70-200mm f/4 zooms, which I had paired with my Leica SL and then SL2. I recently purchased the new Lumix S5II with the 20-60mm lens, and have now added the Leica Vario-Elmarit-SL 24-70mm f/2.8 and the Lumix S 50mm f/1.8 lenses. As I await Capture One Pro to provide a RAW support update for the S5II, I am using the Adobe DNG Converter to process my RAW images. I look forward to using and enjoying my S5II and related L-Mount lenses, and learning from this forum.

My photographic interests include flower macros, auto and motorcycling motorsports (not easy), landscapes, Far East travel, and living history historical events (U.S. Civil War battle reenactments). Much of my fast-action motorsports and living history photography pursuits would be better served if I chose to use fully automatic cameras. However, I prefer to use non-traditional camera systems for these high-speed activities (Leica M10 and M11 rangefinders, or the Leica SL2 coupled with Leitz Telyt-R 350mm f/4.8 lenses from the 1980s). The added challenge using manual focus rangefinders is fun, most of the time. Having sold my SL2 to reduce gear weight (necessitated due to knee replacement surgery last week), I am centering my main autofocus system around the Lumix S5II.

My photo galleries, hosted on Smugmug, can be found with a simple Google search for: Steve Brantley Photography


Steve B.
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Welcome Steve! Thanks for your post and I hope you enjoy the forum.

I peeked at your Smugmug site and spied a few train photos - my favourite photography pursuit is trains. FYI there is a sub-forum over on Dirk's sister forum site (DPRFORUM.com) dedicated to transportation, and you will find some good photos there of trains: https://dprforum.com/community/forums/modes-of-transport.148/