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Flickr's 2024 Year in Review


Flickr has published their "2024 Year in Review".

No surprise that Apple takes the top 9 places of cameras used, with Canon at #10. For non-phone cameras, Canon took 6 of the top 10 spots while Nikon and Sony had 2 each.


Another interesting statistic: In terms of photographic styles, street photography grew 30% since last year.

Here is a link to the web page: https://flickr.com/year-in-review/2024/
No surprise to see Canon and Sony dominating and good to see there are still a few DSLRs getting a lot of use. I myself added a FF DSLR to my camera fold (a 6D) in 2024 because I'd never owned one and wanted to give it a try while I could.

I wouldn't focus on a "growth" of street photography because it's most likely very bad street photography. I am on the Fujifilm Reddit and got a lot of slack there for a tongue-in-cheek post that the name should be changed to "photos of the backs of people's heads". Everyone who buys a Fujifilm camera these days seems to think they're a street photographer and that pictures of people's backs are a good representation of the genre.
I myself added a FF DSLR to my camera fold (a 6D) in 2024 because I'd never owned one and wanted to give it a try while I could.
I had a bored thought about getting a Pentax K10D, the last generation of CCD 10MP but it wouldn't get used. I'm not even sure about that CCD vs CMOS stuff.

100% agree with the street photography rant, these people are no Dougie Wallace. If you never heard of him you will find him very entertaining... A bit like Banksy on steroids with a camera and the biggest balls you could perceive. :p
100% agree with the street photography rant, these people are no Dougie Wallace. If you never heard of him you will find him very entertaining... A bit like Banksy on steroids with a camera and the biggest balls you could perceive. :p
I'm not a street photo expert by any means, but the one that's impressed me most so far (though I'm not sure how 'street' I'd call them) is Evelyn Hofer... the local art museum hosted a traveling exhibition by her in late 2023. https://high.org/exhibition/evelyn-hofer-eyes-on-the-city/ covers the exhibition at another location.