...I hadn't even thought of that. <sheepish look> I'd shown the same images to a group of friends earlier yesterday, and they said they preferred seeing more of the body.
Also... well, St. Louis is a waypoint on several trips I make regularly, and I try to stop by the Arch whenever I'm passing through and the weather is good;* I've been taking variations on that shot for years, so I tend to pay more attention to the details on a given day - weather, lens used - than the composition.
A couple of other examples:
View attachment 8761
20220530-SDIM1001 by
Travis Butler, on Flickr
View attachment 8762
20220530-SDIM1005 by
Travis Butler, on Flickr
I think the vertical composition works best for centering them in the Arch, but I do kinda like the offset one.
There I disagree; I think the red pavement gives the green and blue something to stand out against, and they also divide the frame fairly neatly into zones.
Huh. Well, I guess that's some of the calibration I was looking for; but I definitely prefer the opposite, stronger colors with more contrast.
*That day I was coming back from my sister's in central Illinois, and stopped by the Lincoln Presidential Library on the way; that's when I took the Slave Auction Block pic I posted earlier in the thread.