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Farewell comet night, 22Oct


Download from S5, phone tweaks (black point, crop & sharpen). Fighting some high clouds and condensation with decent results.

Pentax DA70/2.4 Limited shot in 4:3, 20s at iso2500, aperture ~2.8 or maybe 3.5? Shot 50' above sea level west of Longview Wa.
  • Panasonic - DC-S5
  • 20 sec
  • Pattern
  • Manual exposure
  • ISO 2500
I was planning on this but was clouded out.

I see 'no lens' stated, on the S5ii you can input and save adapted lenses and it gets saved to EXIF data.
The ii definitely got some features that I'll miss.At least the focal length shows up.

In a couple years a few used ones will reach my budget, once another generation or two show their amazing stuff!