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EF lenses to L-mount

Roger J

New Member
Greetings L-mount users
Is anyone here using EF lenses on the Sigma FP or on a L-mount camera? If so, which adapter? How do they work? How is AF? How does the CAF, and SAF work? How's the auto A or S setting?

Thank you
Roger J.
Hi Roger,

this has been discussed in another thread on here of late.. titled (I think) Budget Telephoto. Anyway, in that thread I posted a link to a chart, this one

I use the MC-21 on S5II and have used it on an FpL. I've tried a Commlite Adaptor in the past but think the MC-21 is probably the better of the two. Definitely an improvement in autofocus operation with the S5II having PDAF but generally it's better to stick with the later EF lenses. I only have two EF lenses left now, the 135 F/2L which is pretty awful and I mainly use with manual focus, whereas my other lens the Canon EF 24-70 2.8 version II feels almost like a native lens, I have used others in the past but now there are plenty of options available in L mount, and my Canon use is now mainly telephoto with RF mount lenses.

You will probably find more answers to your question with a google search or YouTube where there are quite a few videos on the subject, not sure there are many users here.
Hi Roger,

this has been discussed in another thread on here of late.. titled (I think) Budget Telephoto. Anyway, in that thread I posted a link to a chart, this one

I use the MC-21 on S5II and have used it on an FpL. I've tried a Commlite Adaptor in the past but think the MC-21 is probably the better of the two. Definitely an improvement in autofocus operation with the S5II having PDAF but generally it's better to stick with the later EF lenses. I only have two EF lenses left now, the 135 F/2L which is pretty awful and I mainly use with manual focus, whereas my other lens the Canon EF 24-70 2.8 version II feels almost like a native lens, I have used others in the past but now there are plenty of options available in L mount, and my Canon use is now mainly telephoto with RF mount lenses.

You will probably find more answers to your question with a google search or YouTube where there are quite a few videos on the subject, not sure there are many users here.
Thank you for your reply it's very help full. I'm scaling back my gear to one film camera, one digital, and 2 to 3 lenses. I want my lenses to work both ways, film and digital. I have 12 cameras and the same amount of lenses, way to much. i'm retired now, and out of the business.

Thank you
Roger J.
Greetings L-mount users
Is anyone here using EF lenses on the Sigma FP or on a L-mount camera? If so, which adapter? How do they work? How is AF? How does the CAF, and SAF work? How's the auto A or S setting?

Thank you
Roger J.
I’d have to agree with Jayneboo’s comments. I tried the Sigma, the Commlite and the Viltrox on an S1R. Most all are abysmal given Panasonic’s choice of using contrast-detect autofocus. The newer EF zooms like the 70-200 4.0 and the 100-400 ll performed best, but only in very good light. I opted for the Viltrox as it seemed to have a slight edge over the others. I now only use those two stated EF lenses on the S1R and native Panasonic lenses for everything else. Hope this helps.

Greetings L-mount users
Is anyone here using EF lenses on the Sigma FP or on a L-mount camera? If so, which adapter? How do they work? How is AF? How does the CAF, and SAF work? How's the auto A or S setting?

Thank you
Roger J.