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DxO Photolab 6 update now supports LUMIX S 14-28mm lens


Top Poster Of Month
Just an FYI for those who use DxO Photolab 6 - the latest update, version 6.7, now has support for the Panasonic LUMIX 14-28mm f/4-5.6 MACRO lens.
I was hoping for support the Sigma 16-28 2.8. Maybe next time.
Something I've just noticed that I've not seen before is that four modules have been installed for the lens:


For all other lenses there is just one module for RAW and one for JPG. This lens has an additional modules for each with "in-camera correction".

Anyone know what this is for?
Me too. I saw something on the DxO forums suggesting support would come in September.

These are the upcoming releases for L-mount:

  • Panasonic S5IIX
  • Sigma 16-28mm F2.8 DG DN | C for L-mount
  • Sigma 20mm F2 DG DN | C for L-mount
Something I've just noticed that I've not seen before is that four modules have been installed for the lens:

View attachment 523

For all other lenses there is just one module for RAW and one for JPG. This lens has an additional modules for each with "in-camera correction".

Anyone know what this is for?

I posted a question on the DxO support forum and received this response:

Marie - DxO Staff:
Since something like October 2022, Leica has updated some of its SL cameras firmware and user can’t deactivate vignetting correction, which is now also applied on RAW images. And, of course, that’s not the case for Panasonic S cameras. So, till we can deal with that inside modules, we have decided to propose different modules.
Just an FYI for those who use DxO Photolab 6 - the latest update, version 6.7, now has support for the Panasonic LUMIX 14-28mm f/4-5.6 MACRO lens.
Good, just in time. I got my 14-28 today :)