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Does the S1Rii have pixel binning like Leica Q3?

4. I've asked. I believe 20fps or even 15fps would benefit a lot of users. But Panasonic won't answer about future firmware. Re fps drops, unless the current processing speed is improved in the future, otherwise lowering to 20fps would only allow you to shoot longer before you fill up the buffer. Once the buffer is full, you still need to wait same time before you can capture the next photo, and the rate you can shoot should be identical as shooting at 20fps wouldn't reduce processing/write time for each photo.
Richard, I've not seen the S1Rii menu, but is ONLY 40 fps allowed with electronic shutter? The GH7 with electronic shutter has 20, 60 and 75 fps (and pre-burst of 0, 0.5, 1, and 1.5 sec). I had assumed the S1Rii has settings for different fps, but perhaps not?
Richard, I've not seen the S1Rii menu, but is ONLY 40 fps allowed with electronic shutter? The GH7 with electronic shutter has 20, 60 and 75 fps (and pre-burst of 0, 0.5, 1, and 1.5 sec). I had assumed the S1Rii has settings for different fps, but perhaps not?
Only 40 fps in SH or SH pre, otherwise 10 fps or slower in H/H+/M mode with electronic shutter
I use a modified S5 for astrophotography and the 24MP sensor is doing very well, especially in terms of dark current. So with stacked pictures I can do already extreme editing in post…

My first wish for an enhancement is an astrotracer like Pentax provides.
To get exposure times up to some minutes without mount just using a tripod would be awesome for travelling.
Todays cpu in the cameras are good enough to calculate the necessary movement for the IBIS from one or some testpictures and this process is free from patents. The only problem that you need some firmware programmers who understand the logic of the necessary routines and the decision that this would be a cool feature…
Yes, agreed, that would be my first wish as well. That would be awesome.
One question to the write speed bottleneck of the S1RII. I saw your video testing all the different options for memory cards. I hope that Panasonic did not use just the old interface from the S5II and connected a CFE slot to a limited transfer rate. Then FW could help, otherwise not.
Have you tested the 40 picture/sec with saving to an external SSD? That should be the fastest transfer possible. Would be very intersting what the camera can do with a SSD…

ProRes HQ RAW requires really high data transfer rate and the CFE card slot is able to handle that.
I've mentioned in my review, the time it takes to write out JPG or RAW file in fastest burst mode is almost the same, especially with CFE4.0 card, despite RAW files are like 3 times the size, so it suggests bottleneck is not the write speed but earlier in the pipeline.
I have not tested with an external SSD this time with the S1RII, I'll see if i have time to do that before i return the camera.
But I've previously tested that with the GH7. While the camera writes photos slightly faster with SSD, the difference was much slower than the difference in the write speed of the media can do. which also suggests photo processing was the bottleneck when clearing the photo buffer. I think I may have done a separate video about it. or maybe it was part of my GH7 review sorry i can't remember.

All the recent Panasonic cameras have similar limitations as well and i was not aware of any firmware update that has changed that.
So while I hope it can be improved by the FW, I wouldn't buy the camera if you think the current buffer performance is just not good enough for you.

(to me it is good enough as I rarely need to shoot more than 4-5 seconds continuously at 10fps)