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Davinci Resolve [Win & Linux] can now RENDER to ProRes!


Well-Known Member
This is something Davinci Resolve users with certain workflows have wanted for way more than a decade:

The latest 19.1.4 release of both the FREE and $300 US Studio versions of Davinci Resolve for Windows & Linux are now able to encode (render to) Apple ProRes!

Previous releases have long been able to read/import/play/edit ProRes files, but now they can also render ProRes, too.

Of course, the Mac app has always been able to do this, but now Windows & Linux users can too. Read all about it on Blackmagic Design's Support webpage (left hand column):

NOTE: No support for "ProRes RAW" in any version of Davinci Resolve yet, but who knows, maybe that'll happen someday. Cheers.
Of course, the Mac app has always been able to do this, but now Windows & Linux users can too.
I saw that release, and as a Mac user I didn't know Windows users couldn't export to ProRes. It's a great codec, I use it all the time, and welcome Windows/Linux!! Z04 Bier01
What would really be nice is to be able to import ProRes Raw on Windows.... Not that I have a device yet what can film that.

But in less than 2 weeks starts the NAB205, I expect a lot more new features than in Davinci Resolve. 19.5 beta or 20.0 beta.

My wishlist:
  • Automatic song length adjustments, similar to what Audition already offers.
  • Improved workflow for Automation in Fairlight.
  • Expanded library of sound effects in Fairlight, and better support for external sound controllers.
  • Greenscreen options as easy to use as the 3D keyer, but with the quality of a Fusion node tree.
  • More flexible UI scaling.
  • Better colorpicker in Windows
  • Simple tools for guide lines.
  • Support for multiple subtitle tracks simultaneously, and translation from one language to another within subtitles.
  • Better support for 3D objects and manipulation in Fusion.
  • Funny enough, I don’t really feel like I’m missing anything in the Edit or Color pages of DaVinci.
And ProRes Raw on windows, as stated before.
  • Funny enough, I don’t really feel like I’m missing anything in the Edit or Color pages of DaVinci.
And ProRes Raw on windows, as stated before.
DaVinci Resolve does not support ProRes RAW on Mac. This my biggest wish. I have the GH7 that does internal ProRes RAW, and the S1R II arriving soon that has internal ProRes RAW.
NAB Expo is soon.

Of course, a Davinci Resolve ProRes RAW announcement may or may not come at THIS year's NAB, but one can hope!