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Davinci Resolve european tour


LMF-Patron Gold
For the video people who use Davinci Resolve, or want to learn more about it, they currently have an european tour going.
I go to the one in Amsterdam, but also in Madrid and Berlin (but cannot find that one?) are days planned.

For the video people who use Davinci Resolve, or want to learn more about it, they currently have an european tour going.
I go to the one in Amsterdam, but also in Madrid and Berlin (but cannot find that one?) are days planned.
That should be fun.
Yesterday I went to the BMD DaVinci Resolve conference in Amsterdam with a friend and it was a blast.

For 25 euro (early bird ticket) it was a day full of very interesting lectures, presentations and a lot of handson. I got a few very good tips from Daria Fissoun (Writer color page book DaVinci Resolve for example).

Free food, free drinks (and good quality) it was very well organised. Next week there is still one in Berlin, so If you live close enough and do a lot of video editing, than it is highly recommended.


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What was a surprise: No Arm computers with DaVinci in sight. But the reason might be that AMD was a sponsor.

Also no Replay Editor in sight (thats the newest hardware).

They did have some of their camera's to be tested, and with an exception of the Replay editor all to others (including the advanced panel and both the sound panels).

I really loved the new micropanel, I will probably buy it in the future.

I also felt really in love with the soundmixer, but thats really expensive (€3000,-)... So I'm afraid that's not going to be in my budget... Even that I also love sound mixing.

The cameras are nice, but definitely out of my budget and I prefer the Panasonic's, they are more on my level (Autofocus included).


What was a surprise: No Arm computers with DaVinci in sight.
I see a Mac Studio with ARM in the second picture, but I guess it's running the sound software, not DaVinci.

I've run DaVinci Resolve for some time, but I usually use the same old features I know how to use. It would be good to see it really put to work.
I see a Mac Studio with ARM in the second picture, but I guess it's running the sound software, not DaVinci.

I've run DaVinci Resolve for some time, but I usually use the same old features I know how to use. It would be good to see it really put to work.
Sorry I was not clear, I meant the Windows Arm processor from Qualcomm (the snapdragon Elite X).

On a different node: when someone asked during the Avatar Q&A what they used, apple or Windows, the answer was Linux :cool: