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Cameras Lok Cheung actually uses


Well-Known Member
For at least the past year, Lok Cheung has shot most of his popular YouTube videos (together with Kaiman Wong) with two S5iiX cameras:
Correction: A S5iiX and a S5ii.
Who’s Lok Cheung?
Who’s Lok Cheung?
In addition to shooting his own videos, Lok Cheung has also been the Kai’s cameraman for many years:

They make humorous camera review videos. Their humor isn’t for everyone, but IMHO, Lok is very good at what he does.

(Between the two of them, they have more than a million YT subscribers.)
Lok and Kai were the original host of DigitalRevTV from around 2009. It was the biggest camera review channel on Youtube back then, from memory at peak i think they had almost 2 million subscribers, that was back in 2010s.
Kai and then later on Lok left DigitalRevTV and move back/ move to UK and started their own channels.
I'm pretty sure you have watched some of their videos like this:

They are two of my favourite camera Youtube creators!
Ah, ok. I know of Kai, and I’d seen Lok of course, but didn’t know his full name!
If wilderness canoeing & camping is an interest, check out the Lost Lakes channel on YouTube. Jon shoots with an S5 and an S5ii, at least for the past couple of years, and the imagery is just gorgeous.