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7Artisans 18mm f/5.6 Full Frame L-mount

I think you're crazy to pay that much for it.

A used 18-40 just popped up (first I've seen) on a used goods site I check here in Spain and the price is €380, which is €630 AUD, so not a bargain.

That's actually quite a low price for a brand new lens here in Australia.

It's the best price I've seen. I paid $677 for mine in November (I think) last year. Panasonic's RRP here is $899.
I think you're crazy to pay that much for it.

A used 18-40 just popped up (first I've seen) on a used goods site I check here in Spain and the price is €380, which is €630 AUD, so not a bargain.
I'm not quite following. New price here (on sale) is the same as second hand in your country?
I'm not quite following. New price here (on sale) is the same as second hand in your country?
Seems that way, but it's just one example, the only used one I've seen for sale.

New it costs €579 here.
This is a tempting buy at $90 just to have something ultralight and compact on your camera. With digital tc mode, you'd be at 27mm right?
This is a tempting buy at $90 just to have something ultralight and compact on your camera. With digital tc mode, you'd be at 27mm right?
Yes, but why not just shoot at 18mm and crop later if needed?

Regarding very small wide-angle lenses, does anyone know if the Viltrox 28mm f/4.5 will be coming to L-mount?

I could get one for my Fujifilm but it would be more useful on the S5.
Yes, but why not just shoot at 18mm and crop later if needed?

Regarding very small wide-angle lenses, does anyone know if the Viltrox 28mm f/4.5 will be coming to L-mount?

I could get one for my Fujifilm but it would be more useful on the S5.

I wouldn't hold my breath for viltrox sadly. Maybe if the new generation of Lumix cameras take off they might, but as it is, few camera stores seem to even keep Panasonic stuff in stock.