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  1. Nevyn72

    Blazar APEX 50mm Anamorphic AF

    Just found out about a very interesting lens, the 50mm ANAMORPHIC AUTOFOCUS for Blazar. Right now only for sony, but more platforms coming in 2025. For this price a very interesting lens: https://store.blazarlens.com/products/apex-50mm-t1-8-1-33x-s35-auto-focus-anamorphic-lens YT vlogger with...
  2. B

    Lumix S5ii video AF still (a bit) contrast based?

    Hey folks, I noticed something strange when using my new Lumix S5ii: When recording video (4k 24p) with continuous auto focus enabled, the camera seems to have problems focusing objects that have a plain color / no visual pattern. As soon as something more "contrasty" is in the focus box, AF...