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[Sell] LUMIX 20-60mm, Sigma 17mm f4, in Portugal, Shipping within EU


New Member
Hi all! I’ve been an avid reader of this forum; didn’t expect that my first post would be selling gear. :)

The camera is in excellent condition, like new in my eyes. No visible scratches or any flaws.

I haven’t have enough time to use them and I hope someone else can make much better use of this kit.

I’ll take more photos in day light if there’s interest! Shipping only in the EU - I would let you know about postage after I ask the post office for a quote. Shipping included in Portugal - also happy to meet in person if you're in Lisbon.

  • Camera: 1400 (sold)
  • 50mm: 250 (sold)
  • 20-60: 200
  • Sigma 17mm: 400

Included: Camera Body, extra battery, unused strap from the box, Lens caps and hoods for all three lends, original box for the camera (I need to look for the Sigma lens box, but I should have it!)

  • Apple - iPhone 15 Pro
  • iPhone 15 Pro back triple camera 6.765mm f/1.78
  • 6.8 mm
  • ƒ/1.77999997139
  • 1/50 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • ISO 640
Last edited:
Hi all! I’ve been an avid reader of this forum; didn’t expect that my first post would be selling gear. :)

The camera is in excellent condition, like new in my eyes. No visible scratches or any flaws.

I haven’t have enough time to use them and I hope someone else can make much better use of this kit.

I’ll take more photos in day light if there’s interest! Shipping only in the EU - I would let you know about postage after I ask the post office for a quote. Shipping included in Portugal - also happy to meet in person if you're in Lisbon.

Included: Camera Body, extra battery, unused strap from the box, Lens caps and hoods for all three lends, original box for the camera (I need to look for the Sigma lens box, but I should have it!)

View attachment 6264
Interesting... Do you sell the camera or lenses separately?
A few more photos of the 50mm lens

  • Apple - iPhone 15 Pro
  • iPhone 15 Pro back triple camera 2.22mm f/2.2
  • 2.2 mm
  • ƒ/2.2
  • 1/50 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • ISO 500

  • Apple - iPhone 15 Pro
  • iPhone 15 Pro back triple camera 2.22mm f/2.2
  • 2.2 mm
  • ƒ/2.2
  • 1/50 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • ISO 800

  • Apple - iPhone 15 Pro
  • iPhone 15 Pro back triple camera 2.22mm f/2.2
  • 2.2 mm
  • ƒ/2.2
  • 1/50 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • ISO 500