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Lightroom Supports Lumix S1Rii RAW Files


LMF-Patron Gold
Lightroom, Lightroom Classic and Photoshop now support Limix S1Rii RAW, with Camera RAW 17.2. This camera raw version has been out several days but I just noticed it when I downloaded the RAW files from the DPreview review and tried them in Lightroom.

Note that the S1Rii Hi Rez RAW files are not supported yet. 17.2 is a preliminary release, and Hi Rez support is expected in a subsequent release. Also the Lightroom plugin DxO PureRaw doesn't work yet with these S1Rii files.

I have to say the S1Rii photos really look good in Lightroom.
Hmmm... perhaps the fact that Capture One had support for the S1RII right out of the box along with a free trial was an incentive to Adobe to provide support earlier than normal??