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How to remove hide the menu?


New Member
Hey, everybody!
I have a question: How to remove/hide the quick menu from the right side?

Hi @Acerbic ,

That pop-out menu on the LCD is known as the Touch Tab.

I don't know which model camera you are using, but for the S5II, page 546 of the manual has instructions for turning it on/off.

If you have a different model, it should be in a similar location in the menu system, i.e. Custom menu --> Touch settings.

S5II p546.jpg
Hi @Acerbic ,

That pop-out menu on the LCD is known as the Touch Tab.

I don't know which model camera you are using, but for the S5II, page 546 of the manual has instructions for turning it on/off.

If you have a different model, it should be in a similar location in the menu system, i.e. Custom menu --> Touch settings.

View attachment 8563

Thank you very much! (I have a S5IIx)