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News Leica SL3 preproduction review

I think the SL3 will find its buyers.

I hope that we do not get only a Lumix "S2R", but also a smaller body at a more entry level price point to attract new customers to the L-Mount system.

Whether that is from Panasonic or Sigma does not matter.

The L-Mount system can not grow significantly, if it is only offering bodies above 1.500 USD.
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I agree. A smaller body is needed. But I think the original S5 is still a pretty good and cheap start in the full frame world. Way under 1500 usd. I think for new customers it's a compelling offer.

On the other hand, the absence of high end bodys also is kind of deter for entrance customers. While the entrance customers are not buying high end, but there are looking what is possible in the system, no matter how unrealistic or unnecessary those options are for themselves.
The official list price of the S5 is not as cheap. Promotions are nice, but they do not give the right long term signal for new customers.

Sony, Canon, Nikon, they all offer cheap entry level cameras with official list prices way below 1.500 USD without any promotion.
For some reason this camera does not awaken my GAS...

I suppose because of the price...

What makes it a different camera compared to the competition is the triple resolution technology, but I have not yet been able to find information on the low light and high ISO performance of the 18mpx option for photo and video... if it helps against rolling shutter, for example.

I suspect that the Nikon Z8 or the Sony A1 are better cameras than this Leica, I do hope that the next version of Lumix catches up with the competition.

I think Leica makes better lenses than cameras :oops:
I'm very pleased that the SL3 is launched - for the simple reason that it points to what the new S1 will look like. The SL3 itself holds no real interest for me:

- Too expensive
- LEICA logo on the front (it shouts "I'm rich", and "please steal me")
- Horizontal tilt only screen
- Too few buttons (touch-screen mainly)

It seems also that battery life is pretty awful and that the IBIS has, if anything, taken a step back.

But this sensor in an S1 would be great!!
I suspect that the Nikon Z8 or the Sony A1 are better cameras than this Leica, I do hope that the next version of Lumix catches up with the competition.
It's not a candidate to replace my A1; too big, too slow. I also hope we see a high pixel Panasonic with better performance than this.
The SL3 and all other Leica SL cameras have one competitive edge against all the other MLU cameras out there:

SL cameras have a sensor with the microprism, so that you can use the very small Leica M fullframe lenses on that non-rangefinder body without image quality problems in the corner of the image.

If you look how big fullframe lenses are nowadays, as soon as they have excellent image quality and high Fstop like 1.4, this is really an edge noone else has.
Sony, Canon, Nikon, they all offer cheap entry level cameras with official list prices way below 1.500 USD without any promotion.
Sony has no full frame under 1500 USD. The A7III, the cheapest still listed FF body, is the same price as the S5. Nikons Z5 is much cheaper in the us, but not in Europe. But I don't would not compere list prices of bodys over one year on the market. If you consider marked prices only currently listed models and not discontinued ones, than enterence for Nikon Z, Sony E and Panasonic L-Mount are very similar priced. Only Canon RF gives a much cheaper access to full frame mirrorless with the RP.
Sony has no full frame under 1500 USD. The A7III, the cheapest still listed FF body, is the same price as the S5. Nikons Z5 is much cheaper in the us, but not in Europe. But I don't would not compere list prices of bodys over one year on the market. If you consider marked prices only currently listed models and not discontinued ones, than enterence for Nikon Z, Sony E and Panasonic L-Mount are very similar priced. Only Canon RF gives a much cheaper access to full frame mirrorless with the RP.
Agree, and a Canon is like a HP printer. They don't make money on the Camera (printer), but afterwards make the money on the lenses (inkt).
SL cameras have a sensor with the microprism, so that you can use the very small Leica M fullframe lenses on that non-rangefinder body without image quality problems in the corner of the image.
Do you have a reference for a microprism array on SL cameras?
Someone was obviously ready to buy immediately on announcement: shortly after the launch I checked WEX's website to see just how much the UK price was and they were showing limited stock ("Last few available"). Five hours later and they're "Awaiting Stock".

I'm hoping for a smaller, lighter S1Rii with the same sensor...
Do you have a reference for a microprism array on SL cameras?

Not at the moment. I crossed it while I was searching for an Voigtlande M 28mm alternative via adapter on a Lumix body.

It turned out that the voigtlander lenses are only good on Leica bodies. not on other bodies.

The Leica M models have these microprisms and tge SL cameras as far as I read it too.

Look at the big Fred Miranda thread for example about the Voigtlander lenses.
Do you mean that the Lumix S1R does not have that microprism in the sensor?


Just read Jono Slack review, you will get your answer.

To sum up, SL2 is the same as SL for M support. Supposedly better than S1R. Thanks to special micro lenses array and thinner sensor filter stack : 2 layers instead of 3.

However M10 is still the best option with only 1 layer of sensor filter, instead of 2 with the SL2.

And Jono Slack refers to Reid Reviews:

Years ago, Leica said they will never be able to launch a FF M body because the M lenses can not be optimized with the small M mount for this. Years later they introduces this special solution and introduced M bodies with a FF sensor.
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And Jono Slack refers to Reid Reviews:

Years ago, Leica said they will never be able to launch a FF M body because the M lenses can not be optimized with the small M mount for this. Years later they introduces this special solution and introduced M bodies with a FF sensor.
Interesting... I did not know that.

Thanks for the information, Dirk.
I hope that we do not get only a Lumix "S2R", but also a smaller body at a more entry level price point to attract new customers to the L-Mount system.

Agree. Sony and Sigma have competitive advantages with smaller cameras. Would love to see a smaller S7 body that maintains the feature set.

More than anything, however, I wish Panasonic would take a leaf from Blackmagic and replace their archaic menu system. (A reminder of my now aging article about how poor the menu system is. )

Meanwhile this Leica camera is ugly a sin.