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New Member
Hi, Andy from the UK, joining as a long time hobbyist enjoying an obsolete Leica system that I plan to continue using.
It may prove difficult to resist the Panasonic super combo deals that I post :p
Welcome Andy. Where in the UK are you?
Welcome Andy Welcome to LMF33 Thirsting Pics1
Yes, too many join and never post photos. 400 members and maybe 10 post something... Why? Is it too much of an equipment talk forum? Afraid of critique or counting likes?

I quite like the videography being posted perhaps even moreso than most of the stills.

The video quality now is so affordable and with YouTube popularity it is probably more appealing to the average viewer and hence the importance of truly good hybrid cameras. There are people who still want photo only cameras and yes if you produce exquisite photography that still works and always will. I.e you can't produce a Milky Way landscape in video but can do in stills timelapse like you always could... This is still a video though!

20 years ago this video quality would cost what? 100k for BBC Planet Earth stuff and now you own it.

Skills and being there a different matter.